Vision & Mission

The NIAP Mission:

The Nepal International Arts Project seeks to:

  • Provide a quality thematic online overview of Nepali arts and creative community, for All
  • Promote more enhanced cultural tourism focused on the living contemporary arts of Nepal
  • Give Western/UK cultural tourism visitors to Nepal a ‘before they visit’ much more in depth introduction to the vibrancy, diversity and richness of Nepal’s living national artistic heritage and the artistic communities of the country: this introduction making their visit(s) much more meaningful
  • Through articles, links and video material to enable the creative community in the UK, especially those in schools and colleges to have study resources that enable direct learning about contemporary Nepal’s creative communities and the arts, for arts and global citizenship related study
  • To encourage a much greater prominence for the role of the arts as a medium of enhanced quality of life and empowerment, for all people and communities in Nepal: to promote this perspective to all relevant government ministries and other relevant organisations in both Nepal and the UK
  • Provide an online platform for social justice/activism and gender equality and social inclusion related forms of Nepali art
  • Support, where able and appropriate, projects that encourage exchange of ideas and experiences, through the medium of the arts, between the creative communities and peoples and nations of Nepal and the UK
  • Develop a platform where creative communities in rural as well as urban Nepal can promote awareness of their arts and crafts with a view to seeking international purchasers directly
  • Communicate through online means the great spiritual nature and quality of Nepali creativity, to help Western audiences and especially youth appreciate and learn from this in terms of global citizenship: this to be developed through NIAP supportive projects with UK schools, colleges and potentially arts groups

Vision Statement:

The NIAP has been created to ‘Empower’ and ‘Educate’ and develop ‘Global Citizenship through the Arts’ between the peoples of Nepal and the UK, using ‘e-empowerment’ through principally online means to achieve this.

The NIAP seeks to empower Nepal’s creative community – that has social justice, equality and inclusion and spiritual awareness as core dynamics — that is at the heart of this great nation’s living national cultural heritage; and to do so by raising its profile in a much more visionary way online, than can be covered by tourism businesses and government organisations, and tourism boards.

It seeks to educate Western/UK people, especially youth, by showing that against a backdrop of enormous politico-economic challenges, the creative output of Nepal is perhaps the most rich and diverse in Asia in terms of quality and spiritual depth. Through the information resources at the heart of the NIAP, a much more meaningful development of global citizenship related friendship and mutual cultural learning between the peoples and nations of the UK and Nepal will be able to be attained.