Visual Arts Gallery

Images are included here of a selection of artworks by Nepali artists, including those by NIAP visual artist team members.

Govinda-Sah,-Salvation,-2011,-Oil-and-acrylic-on-canvas,-148x148cm.-Photo--Jonathan_Greet_Image-courtesy-October-Gallery,-London Art at LK Campus 1 Umesh Sah work detail

timthumb.php Waiting( Lama) resize Tharu woman

Uma & Seema Shah 1 Uma & Seema Shah 2

LK10 Deepak at LK with portrait studies  LK17

Art at LK Campus 2  Art at LK Campus 3 Mithila Art by Ajit Kumar Sah

Studio 2 Uma & Seema Shah at their studio

Umesh Sah NIAP officers Alan Mercel-Sanca & Deepak Tamrakar meeting Ajit at his KTM studio

Photo by Kishor K Sharmathumb_new.php